Yesterday on June 20, once again Turkey attacked north east Syria and killing three personalities and wounded one in a drone attack near Syria-Turkey border in Qabre Hewore, Qamishli region. As a result of the drone attack, Yusra Derwêş, co-leader of Kamishlo Canton, her deputy Lîman Şiwêş, and Chaldean Christian driver Firat Tuma lost their lives. The other co-leader of Qamishlo Canton, Gabi Shamoun from Syriac community, sustained injuries in the attack.

More than a decade of Syrian civil war and war against ISIS victoriously conducted by Syrian Democratic Forces, SDF with international coalition support breathed fresh air for all international community ending an imminent danger for security and development. Moreover, people of north east Syria establish their own social, cultural, economic and political structure and assisted people in need during tumultuous period. Autonomous Administration of North East Syria, AANES without being a danger for any neighboring countries and forces has been shelter for various communities and peoples.

As a success force in the region, meanwhile Turkey with its proxy forces continue to attack this peaceful region incessantly and creating security threat and also strengthening remaining ISIS cells across the region. Turkey actions in north east Syria are against international norms and laws. Based on this, international community, regional countries and especially Arab League must call for immediate cease or Turkish destructive action.

European Syriac Union, ESU presents its sincere condolences to the people of the regio, families for martyrs and speedy recovery for our friend. We reiterate our call based on international norms, Turkey must stop its attacks on the region. International community also have moral responsibility to stand with the people of north east Syria.